Mistakes of technological companies

customer: ESC Akadempark
We arranged a workshop where the top managers of ESC discussed the similar problems of technological company management and possible solutions.


Over the years of operation the heads of the companies faced quite a number of similar management problems such as a gap between the opportunities of technological companies and the clients’ requirements. We felt a need to identify similar problems and discuss possible ways to resolve them with our partners.


We arranged a workshop named Mistakes of Technological Companies as a Basis for Technological Infrastructure Development in Akadempark and invited specialists from the technological companies of the ESC as well as from their clients to speak.

The participants discussed the common mistakes of the ESC companies in the process of order placement and fulfilment. The workshop became a platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of problems and informal communication. Organizers did their best to move as far away from the format of presentations as possible and discuss really important things that were not so obvious.


Workshop participants


See the website for photos and videos from the event.

Manager — Sergey Soloboev

Transformatory I Montazh
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